The Shining Pinup Story

The shining pinup story

About the project

My friend Shannon is a talented seamstress and tailor who owns Krampus Cuties hair ties. (Cats Like Us sells a lot of them and you can see exclusive designs here). She chooses really fun prints for her hair adornments, including cats and horror!

When Shannon started making The Shining carpet design hair ties (bottom most pictured above) I knew I needed a dress in that print, and it really lends itself to a 1960s dress design! I just so happen to have a collection of vintage sewing patterns. I always thought I would learn to sew.

But even though my mom tried to teach me and I took sewing classes, I have zero percent sewing skills. I asked Shannon — if I gave her the pattern — if she could make me a dress out of The Shining print? She said, “Yes!”. (I made the buttons. At least I’m good for something. (Source:

The development.

So now I have this amazing reproduction 1960s dress and matching hair tie made of The Shining print rug. What’s the best way to show it off? A photo shoot of course! I asked Destiny, my friend and neighbor from Sweet Heart Pin Up, if she could help me. If you ever want a full pinup experience she is the person to see! She made me feel like a queen on a throne while she applied my makeup. It was so relaxing. I just told her I wanted it to be heavy 1960s makeup and boy did she deliver! Eyelashes here, eyelashes there, eyelashes everywhere!